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A Holiday Present That Drives Happiness


It’s getting colder.  The leaves have started changing colors and falling. Yes, it’s that time of year (queue the Mariah Carey music). In this week’s blog, we are going to cover something that is coming up soon, holiday shopping. Too often this can lead to stress when in reality, giving someone else a thoughtful gift has the potential to drive so much internal happiness.  Here are our thoughts on how to buy a gift that drives happiness for those that are special to you, while leaving you with enough headspace to enjoy the process.

Start Early 

It’s almost never too early to start thinking about the gifts you will buy.  By starting early, not only will you feel less stress but you will also benefit from earlier specials such as black friday and cyber monday.  Waiting until the last minute is a great way to limit your options, such as buying items at the retail price.

Shop Online but Go in Person to the Mall

There is no doubt, shopping from the comfort of your own home, in your pyjamas, is better than hustling it out with the rest of the crazed holiday shopping folks at the mall but going in person stimulates your creativity and lets you see and feel the items you are buying.  You might even walk around the mall just to get some ideas and purchase them later online.

Wrapping Is Important, Do It Well

We may not all have the innate talent to wrap gifts. Some of us may not even be able to get the whole gift covered on the first try.  But take the time to wrap the gift nicely.  Look up videos on Youtube or bring your gifts to a wrapping station where volunteers can wrap your gifts beautifully and the cost goes to a good cause.

Include a Card With a Nice Message

Nothing says I put thought into this gift like a personalized card with a handwritten message.  Add an inside joke that only they would get and you got yourself a gift that will pull at the heart strings of even the least festive folks (think scrooge and the grinch).

Consider Getting 2-3 Items That Are Related Instead of a Single Item

Guessing and opening the gifts is often half the fun.  By giving a few items instead of one, you add more joy to the unwrapping process.  A good rule of thumb is to spend 70% of the budget on a single item and then add to the gift with a few smaller pieces (think coffee grinds along with that fancy new mug).

Personalize the Gift Around One of Their Roles

Are they a new father? Is having the grandkids over their favorite pastime? Are they training for some athletic event or are they starting a new venture?  Think about how they see themselves eg. father, grandmother, entrepreneur (roles) and shop for a gift that supports that.

Shop Local

Likely not news to you but buying from local small businesses encourages and supports them.  They often have more unique items that can’t be found elsewhere and your money drives job creation in your community.

In the end, service to others (such as gift giving) has the potential to drive so much of your own internal happiness.  Take this holiday season to give back. Make a meal for someone in need, buy gifts for those that are less fortunate. Spend a little extra time putting that extra special gift together. You might be surprised how much happier you can be giving instead of receiving gifts this year.


Chief Happiness Officer

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