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How a Love for Entrepreneurship Led Me to Start Pursuit of Happiness

Dimitri Poliderakis

“During your final days on earth, what will you be most grateful for?” 

It’s a morbid question but it’s one I ask myself everyday. You might say, I am obsessed with it. But I don’t dwell on what I can’t control. I use it to anchor myself in what matters. I have always subscribed to the idea that time is precious. It’s fleeting nature is such that you mustn't waste a moment. The opportunity to spend that time happily, once past, will never come back. It seems reasonable then, that if you don’t want to regret how you spent your life, you must take steps everyday to live a life that is congruent with your values and what makes you happy.

This thinking has led me on a journey of research, reading and reflection.  During this time, I used pen and paper, phone reminders and whiteboards to jot down thoughts, outline a model for happiness and follow my progress. I did this for years, always looking back at previous scribbles and trying to decipher progress and changes in my life that I wanted to account for (becoming a father, for example).

What I noticed was that without easy access to update and review my happiness model as well as frequent check-ins on progress, I would drift, lose focus and make little to no progress on living a happier life. I would spend time on activities that didn’t drive my real happiness. I wondered what others did and I started to ask around. What I found is that everyone wants to live their happiest life. That part is rather expected, but what I also found was that there weren’t any real tools or specific technical methods that people were using to optimize their life for their own happiness.

I wanted to share the work I had invested in living my own happiest life.  That, plus a love for entrepreneurship, led me to start this company.

The Pursuit of Happiness Blog is the first step, in what will hopefully be a long journey towards a successful company, helping people live their happiest lives.

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